Trick to Uninstall Programs that Cannot be uninstall by windows default method.

You have come across some situation where you cannot uninstall a certain program by the windows default methods. This may be due to some error or may be due to the program may be installed properly or some files missing in the program. Lets Learn Trick to Uninstall Programs that Cannot be uninstall by windows default method.

This trick will teach you how to Uninstall Programs that cannot be uninstalling by windows default method. The steps involved are very simple and easy to understand. For this you will need some software, so first of all you need to download this software and install it.

Trick to Uninstall Programs that Cannot be uninstall by windows default method.


Trick 1


Using Iobit Uninstaller 3

Iobit uninstaller 3 is Free to use and comes with beautiful and user Friendly Interface, Big advantage of Iobit Uninstaller 3 is the fact that it is portable and light. Which means you dont need to Install this Program and can carry it anywhere you want.

Iobit uninstaller 3 Also Creates System Restore Point for you, it shows you the list of Programs that has been installed on your Windows so that you Can easily Uninstall them, or Can even Batch Uninstall Programs to Speed up the Process.


Trick 2


Using Comodo Program Manager

Comodo Program manager is another Program to Uninstall Programs from Windows Easily. Besides Uninstalling Programs, Comodo Program Manager comes with many more Usefull Features. It is Simple to use as it comes with User friendly interface. This Program also helps you to remove Drivers, services and Windows Updates.

Comodo Program Manager is always active and running in the Background, So whenever you try to run a setup, it checks for Malwares using their Cloud Technology. Only Disadvantage I Find with this Program is it may use Fair amount of your Computer resource as it is always actively running in Background.

Hope this may help you a lot. If you think this was helpful to you please do not hesitate to like or to write your comments and share this.

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