In these days when we make a website we also need to create a web app for the same in such a case this article would help you to develop an app without using any core app tools or knowledge of android. The steps are easy to understnd and to execute. By reading this Blog you would understand How To Create Web App In Few Steps.
Follow the instructions if You wish to know How To Create Web App In Few Steps:
- Open AppsGeyser(A free website to create web apps) and then click on Create Web app option.
- After that provide the URL of which you want to create the web app.
- After that provide the Description of App, and if you are having the facebook page then you can also provide it too.
- After that provide the logo which you want to be the web app’s icon(it must be 152pixels x 152pixels).
- After that the web app would start building.
- After that it would ask you to sign up with AppsGeyser to continue, just sign up.
- After that it would show you the app which you have created.
- After that click on the Download App option.
- After that it would take you to a page from where you can download the app click on Download App again.
- It will show a dialog processing in which it would be written “Building App”.
- After that the app will start downloading then install app.
- After installing the app you could see the app which you have created just now.
- After that open the app.
- When the app get’s opened you could see all your web contents inside the app.
The web app will only represent the content which is populated in the website. When you will make any changes in the website the changes would take a reflect on the web app automatically. You will not need to change the code of the web app every time. If you don’t want to upload your app on the play store just upload the app on your web server and make a “Download App” link in the website from where any user can download the app in mobile. So, at last we learned how to create a hassle free web app.