Of all irritating things, the most irritating being the slowness of speed of the browers. Everyone wants to use internet with high speed without any lagging time. Of all the browsers Google chrome claims to be the most fastest. At times even though you are using chrome with high speed internet connection you may face the problem of slowness or high lagging time.
To solve the problem follow the following steps.
Disable unnecessary extensions:
To do this you will need to type chrome://extensions/ in address bar and click Enter. Then you can disable the unnecessary extensions.
Disable unnecessary plugins:
To do this you will need to type chrome://plugins/ in address bar and click Enter. Then you can disable the unnecessary plugins.
Enable SPDY/4:
To do this you will need to type chrome://flags/#enable-spdy4 in address bar and click Enter. Then you can click Enable.
Clear browsing data:
To do this follow the following steps
1. Press Ctrl+H.
2. Select Clear browsing data in top left corner of the window.
3. Click down arrow mark in the rectangular box near to Obliterate the following items fromĀ.
4. Select the beginning of time
5. Click Clear browsing data.
Increase Maximize tiles for the interest area (defaults to 512)
To do this type chrome://flags/#max-tiles-for-interest-area in address bar and click Enter, change value defaults to 512. Then click Relaunch now in bottom left corner of the window.
Regularly update your chrome.
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